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Les Tables de Nantes

Les Tables de Nantes

“Les Tables de Nantes”, is to reaffirm and enhance the identity of our cuisine: its singular spirit linked to its history, the geography and the characters that fed it. This mind is the one of the opening, blending, curiosity, travel… Probably because Nantes is at the crossroads of the sea and earth, sweet and savory, vegetable and animal, between Brittany, Vendée and Loire. And also because Nantes, with its traditional port, has enriched itself with World flavors that explorers and navigators have brought back over the centuries.

Above all, the cuisine serves Nantes local product because it is abundant in its variety and quality. More than in many other parts of the country, Nantes has a wide network of producers, gardeners, fishermen, farmers, refiners and winemakers of high quality. So, many chefs are at the service of this delicious material to sublimate it, assemble it, associate it and thus renew each day a culinary repertoire always moving, but that never forgets the essential: the taste .

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